I was interviewed by Miklos Philips from TopTal on the exciting subject of Experimental Product Design back in September. We had a very long discussion about Experimentation (A/B testing, Optimisation), and in particular how Product Teams and Product Designers are just starting to be introduced to experimentation.
At Creative CX this has been a real focus of ours this past year as we’ve been helping several organisations to embed experimentation throughout the business including getting product teams fully enabled with client-side and server-side A/B testing.
One of the most important factors, however, isn’t just the technical enablement and training, it’s getting Product teams excited about experimentation and how it can help them to deliver better outcomes for their customers and the business. And also how it can help them to be more creative, adventurous and ambitious in their ideas, which is actually a benefit that isn’t highlighted enough in my opinion.
Following the interview, Miklos wrote this excellent and comprehensive article that pretty much summarised all of my thoughts on the subject. The article was published on the Toptal website and also the UX Collective site. It’s been very well received by Product Designers and many others which just shows how relevant this subject is at the moment.
Here’s the link to the full article: Evolving UX – Experimental Product Design with a CXO.